Meth Lab-- FAQ
- What is a Meth? What is a Meth Lab?
- Methamphetamine means any substance which contains any quantity of methamphetamine, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers; methamphetamine is a schedule II central nervous system stimulant (base formula C10 H15 N). The production of methamphetamine is alarmingly simple because it is composed of readily available household items. The subsequent chemical cocktail permeates nearly every surface of the home and property, exposure to which can lead to cancer, organ damage and numerous other health problems, particularly to children. A meth lab is the location where methamphetamine is produced. The effects on homes and property are long-lasting and cleanup requires a hazardous materials team.
- What does Virginia disclosure law require?
- Notwithstanding the exemptions in 55-518, if the owner of a residential dwelling unit has actual knowledge that such residential property was previously used to manufacture methamphetamine and has not been cleaned up in accordance with the guidelines established pursuant to 32.1-11.7 and the applicable licensing provisions of Chapter 11 (54.1-1100 et seq.) of Title 54.1, the owner shall provide to a prospective purchaser a written disclosure that so states. Such disclosure shall be provided to the purchaser on a form provided by the Virginia Real Estate Board and otherwise in accordance with this chapter.
- Why is this information important?
- Buyers may want to know if the property was used to produce methamphetamine to understand the potential risks and to determine if the property has been cleaned up in accordance with state guidelines.